Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Double Down: "Alone Again, Naturally" and "Why Should I Care"

I've been listening to a lot of Diana Krall in the last week thanks to Spotify. I love that I can just play an artist's entire repetoire and discover both new goodies and oldies. Thanks Spotify!!! 

"Alone Again, Naturally"
Mrs. Krall recently released an album, Wallflower. It's a pretty good album overall - duets and covers of great songs. Welllll, I also discovered that she sang a duet of "Alone Again, Naturally" on the album with one of my ultimate faves, Mr. Michael Buble. Oh yes - you bet I did cartwheels when I found this goodie/oldie (in my mind at least). I discovered the original version of this song sung by Gilbert O'Sullivan driving to the airport one sunny Friday afternoon in Boise, Idaho, surfing the radio. No clouds - bright blue sky - and me driving some rental car. Road was empty, and I had the window open - a rarity for me. It must have been in the spring of 2008? I heard the voice and thought it was Paul McCartney, but maybe not? I'd never heard this song and kept wondering what album or time frame he would have sung this. So picture me, desperately trying to memorize the lyrics to the song that I'd randomly come upon as I scramble to get the airport (cause that's what consultants do - get to the airport at the last second). Needless to say - I figured it out and fell in love with the song. The song just reminds me of my time on the project in Boise. Lots of good and bad things happened on that project, but I'm better for it. This duet is gorgeous, and I've enjoyed listening to their voices recreate the gorgeous melody and story. 

"Why Should I Care" 
This afternoon, I was listening to one of Mrs. Krall's older albums. I listened to this album, When I Look in Your Eyes, a lot during my Senior year of highschool. Another trip down memory lane! And then, "Why Should I Care" came on. Zoom to March-April 2006 - the time during and right after the break up with my ex. I usually think back on that time around this time of year because it was probably one of the most emotionally painful periods of my life. I was hurt, betrayed, and angry on top of a lot of other emotions that I don't care to describe. I remember playing this song over and over again at the apartment that I had shared with him and oh man - I cried and cried. This song (and a few others) got me through that time. I know this may sound like a sad memory, and in part it is. Yet, nowadays when I look back on that time, or hear this song, I am reminded of how lucky I am to have the husband I have now. I know my love for him and vice versa is stronger than I had with any other person. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Do you remember this one?!

How many times do you hear a song and the memories flood in? Pictures, scenes, smells, thoughts, feelings, conversations, decisions, tears, laughter, etc... you're back in high school in your first car singing your head off; or riding along on a bike with your mom to the mall; or running to yet another upbeat song that's popular for the moment? How many times do you think back on something that happened and a song pops into your head to remind of what exactly happened?

About a week ago, I emailed my best friend with a random memory from March 2004. She laughed at with me and confessed she didn't remember it at all. She did comment on my crazy memory. That night I was talking to my husband about the memory - and realized. Wait, does my memory work differently? Do others have many memories or visions from the past when they hear a song? My husband confirmed that although he had some memories, they were not as frequent as mine. "Blog about it," he said, so that night I started a list of songs and memories. And today, was my first inspiration when my brain randomly thought of this song. 

Who remembers Vitamin C's Graduation song? "As we go on we remember..." Here's a link to remind those that need a reminder...

Oh ya, this first brings me back to senior year of high school! Hell, it was released in the spring of 2000. I remember cruising along in the light blue Taurus wagon (my sturdy wheels throughout high school cause I was so uncool), windows were down, and I was jamming. "...we will still be friends forever..." Oh yeah... 

We were embarking on our real lives and the people I had known for 10+ years were not gonna be around (and at this I rejoiced sometimes). It's true I didn't plan to keep in touch with many people, but I wondered what would become of us? "...These memories are playing like a film without sound..." Who would do what? Who would end up marrying who? Who was gonna go away or who was gonna stay? What was I gonna really do in college? And after that, what was my life really gonna LOOK like? My best friend and I had all sorts of plans of getting the heck out of Austin (and ironically, we ended up being the only two that stayed put). "...Will these memories fade when I leave this town..."

I remember the graduation ceremony and the all night party thing. I am pretty sure it was at a bowling alley, but I don't remember what happened or what we did... I just remember the lights and being tired. "...And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives..." I still have a pack of cards from that night (somewhere around here)! 

Oh yes, I played this song on repeat (a common trend with some of these songs). "... all the times we had together... and as our lives change come whatever we will still be friends forever..."

One more memory for this song to share. When my youngest step-daughter graduated this past spring from high school, I heard this song. I can't remember where or why. I remember looking at her though and wondering what was going through her head. Was she building the same kind of dreams and aspirations I had for myself? Was she looking around trying to take pictures to remember some day? Was she excited, scared, and nervous all at once like I had been once? "...Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?..."

Today, the lyric that struck me the most was "...Where we're gonna be when we turn 25..."  In fact, it makes me giggle. Think back on yourself at the age of 18, think back on what or where you thought you'd be, and compare it to where you were at 25. Did you achieve everything? I'm 32 today and am not where I thought back then I'd be at 25, although I wouldn't trade my life for a second.