Thursday, June 7, 2012


PHEW – it has been a while since my last post!!! A little under 4 months actually. Blog posting falls to the waste side when you are in a wedding, traveling (where else to but to Poland of course), working a lot, planning trips (Mexico!!! ITALY!!!), and then, packing to move. Lots has happened, but hopefully, now I can keep blogging on the exciting things happening in my life this year. And heaven knows, there’s plenty!!!

One of the biggest happenings is, of course, the move. The boyfriend (let’s call him Ned from now on, shall we? And yes, there is a logical way I got to that :-) ) and I decided that I should move into his house about 2.5 months ago. Yep – huge decision given the multiple factors of our lives (work, families, etc). However, after discussion (read: analyzing) and planning, I moved in officially just under 2 weeks ago (unofficially, I was really living there for 6 weeks since Charlie moved in April). 

The move was and is a huge transition. For one, I moved from a ~750 sq. ft., one bedroom, one bath apartment to a ~3000 sq. ft house with many more rooms and bathrooms. Yikes! Then, the planning (read: worrying and analyzing) where the heck will all my stuff go? And of course, with all my Pinterest-ing (read: DIY projects that I’m dying to do), I have ideas galore. Let me tell you though, how scary it is to realize how much stuff you have packed into a little apartment in *6* years. “WHOA – you lived in one apartment for 6 years!?” Yep! It never ever pays off to continually move, and I loved that place! If I had been given a chance, I would have bought it. 

Ok – back to my stuff. Yes – it’s truly amazing how much stuff I have. And, for the most part it fits, but there’s definitely organizing, cleaning and fixing that has to be done. It’s fun, but at times overwhelming. At least Ned is pretty much as laid back as a guy can be (read: I can do almost anything I want). Of course, there was some IKEA shopping and assembling too. I’ll post some pictures soon – I love how our bedroom looks now! We’ll have to attack each room slowly – one step at a time. If I can average one box a day, Ned reminds me frequently (read: I lack patience sometimes when staring at a room of boxes), then we can have the house organized by Italy. 

I think one of my favorite parts of the move is the kitchen. I finally have a gas stove, areas I can prep, and just a place to explore recipes. I have others I can cook for too, which always make it more entertaining. I’m hunting recipes and trying new things. 

Anyways, now with the move over, I’ll have to post more often – especially on recipes! 

And, for some cuteness, just to share how comfortable Charlie is in her new home these days… 

Charlie Helping Mommy Organize

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