Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I think New Year’s Resolutions are funny. I know a lot of people think they are stupid or pointless – I just find the entire concept amusing. Every year I have these grand ideas of what I’m going to accomplish that year – how that year is going to be THE year for doing x, y, and z. I rarely pick just one thing. I multi-task on a regular basis, so why not multi-resolute? It’s a new year! And somehow, when the clock strikes 12:01 am, I will miraculously have more time and will-power to accomplish whatever it is that is on my list.

Of course, 2 weeks into the year, I’m distracted with something (usually work), and tada, my resolutions fall to the way side. Surprise, surprise – I know there are plenty of others in the same boat. How about those 10 books I was going to read in 2010? I don’t think I read 10 books this year, and those that I read weren’t from list I made… that of course contained a healthy mixture of classics, recreational, and intellectual. (I’m a Virgo – I make lists for everything). 

Don’t get me wrong – I’ve made plenty resolutions in the past that I’ve actually kept up with. Working out regularly and running races were two separate resolutions that I have committed to for years now.  But they didn't really have anything to do with a new yearthey were essentials for my well being.

So, I’ve been thinking about having a resolution this year that 1) doesn’t take a lot of time and 2) is easy to commit to. The other day I was watching a movie and someone asks the main character, “What’s your word?” She didn’t have an answer, and I realized, I don’t either. So my 2011 New Year's Resolution is to find my word. The one word that I think describes me. It can’t be influenced by what others think either. Maybe it sounds silly, but I’m going to look for experiences that will help me find *my* word. How hard can that be?

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Power of Your Beliefs

When I was with my ex-boyfriend, years ago, I remember I used to talk and dream about figuring out what I wanted to do. I would always list out what my limitations were first because that was always at the top of my list. I’ve been, in some sense, programmed to think that way. He used to always stop me, and say, “You know – you’re the only person who is stopping yourself from doing any of it. If you keep saying you can’t, then you right – you can’t. But if you believe you can – you will do it.” Ok – so maybe it didn’t sound quite so eloquent – and it usually ended in some kind of exasperation, but that was the gist.

The thing is that I have been remembering that a lot lately – what I can and cannot do. And the thing is, I can do anything. I’m not trying to sound egotistical here, but I do believe that anyone can do anything that they put their mind to. My list of what I can do keeps growing, while my list of “cannots” keeps shrinking. If you believe in yourself enough, you can take that first step into anything. 

I keep waiting for a sign from up above – as if there is going to be this perfect moment that will enlighten me and make me do whatever it is I’m going to do with my life. I’m coming to realize that it’s not about a moment that someone picks for me anymore – it’s about what I pick for myself. It’s not about timelines – ones that I keep assigning to myself – it’s about picking a moment when I’m ready to take that “leap of faith.”
And to anyone reading this – what are you saying that you can or cannot do? Are you selling yourself short? Shouldn’t you be thinking of what you can do because you can and not because you cannot? It’s just a step – a small step that you can do even if it feels like the world is working against you – that maybe it’s not the smartest thing you’ve ever done but who is really judging you? Only you. 

So I leave you with this thought – Believe that you can because the only thing that’s stopping you is … You. It doesn’t matter how hard, or how sad, or how uncertain – you’ve got to do what you need to do for you. Because after all, ultimately, if you don’t take care of you, who will?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Bathroom Etiquette

Whatever happened to public bathroom etiquette? Seriously? We are all raised to clean up after ourselves at home, right? Bathrooms included. Seat down, no messy seats, flush, etc. 

So, what happens to people when they use public bathrooms? After a few recent “run ins” at public bathrooms, I’ve come to realize that for some reason, people must lose those brain cells when they go into a public bathroom. Shame on you – your mother should be scolding you. 

So, I propose we start posting signs with written rules for people to remember the previously unwritten rules.  
  1. Please flush. That means making sure all items that you have produced and used go down that little hole in the toilet. This includes feminine products, the toilet seat cover, toilet paper, etc. I don’t want to have to look at your dirty business or worse, clean up after you.
  2. If you “dirtied up the toilet seat,” clean up after yourself. You should clean up your bodily fluids. Please don’t make the next poor soul after you do it for you – that’s just gross. Let’s call this a pay it forward act.
  3. If you go number two in the public restroom, have the common decency to flush frequently. I don’t want smell yours anymore than I want to smell mine.
  4. Please don’t have conversations on your cell phone, especially work related. You can detach yourself from your phone long enough to take care of nature’s business. No one wants you to answer the phone mid-stream.
  5. Please wash your hands after using the bathroom. And, don’t forget to wipe down the counter if you make a mess so that the person after you doesn’t end up getting a big wet spot on their shirt or pants. As someone who’s tall, I always end up looking like I peed in my pants.  
  6. When using paper towels to dry your hands after washing them, please place the paper towel(s) in the garbage. 
If we applied these few rules, the experience of using a public restroom wouldn't be so disgusting!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Where did it come from?

You know that feeling in the pit of your stomach? Kind of like nerves, or excitement, or anticipation. That feeling you get the night before something big or fun? I’ve had this feeling for a few days now, and I’m not sure why. However, don’t let me lead you astray to think I’m complaining – I’m not. It literally makes me happy. A simple feeling that I really can’t place, but it’s nice to have it again. It’s been a while… Miss J reminded that I have a lot going on that is new and exciting. Very true. 

Yes, work is stressful and busy – too many deadlines and unrealistic expectations, but what else is new? I am officially changing roles this month, with less travel, new experiences, and more fulfillment. At least, that’s what I’m hoping for.

Yes, I decided to get a kitten. Mr. Charlie will be coming home on Thursday. I’ll post pictures once he comes home. I know everyone will love him – he’s already loved by so many who know my happy news. He’s adorable and regal all in one.

Yes, it’s the holidays, which puts a smile on my face any time I see pretty lights or people being festive. 

Yes, I got my apartment organized and cleaned in anticipation of Charlie, but also because it really needed it. Who can complain about a clean home that I can actually enjoy?

Yes, I’m running a lot. I’m running the Decker Half Marathon next week with my girls and full on training for the marathon in February. I can’t complain with continuing to advance despite setbacks here and there (aka laziness).

Yes, I’m rebuilding  some of my relationships and building new ones. I still have one that I need to work on but again, progress has been made.

So, yay to that feeling because I need it like air. I need to be reminded of how these little things make my life so special.