I think New Year’s Resolutions are funny. I know a lot of people think they are stupid or pointless – I just find the entire concept amusing. Every year I have these grand ideas of what I’m going to accomplish that year – how that year is going to be THE year for doing x, y, and z. I rarely pick just one thing. I multi-task on a regular basis, so why not multi-resolute? It’s a new year! And somehow, when the clock strikes 12:01 am, I will miraculously have more time and will-power to accomplish whatever it is that is on my list.
Of course, 2 weeks into the year, I’m distracted with something (usually work), and tada, my resolutions fall to the way side. Surprise, surprise – I know there are plenty of others in the same boat. How about those 10 books I was going to read in 2010? I don’t think I read 10 books this year, and those that I read weren’t from list I made… that of course contained a healthy mixture of classics, recreational, and intellectual. (I’m a Virgo – I make lists for everything).
Don’t get me wrong – I’ve made plenty resolutions in the past that I’ve actually kept up with. Working out regularly and running races were two separate resolutions that I have committed to for years now. But they didn't really have anything to do with a new year – they were essentials for my well being.
So, I’ve been thinking about having a resolution this year that 1) doesn’t take a lot of time and 2) is easy to commit to. The other day I was watching a movie and someone asks the main character, “What’s your word?” She didn’t have an answer, and I realized, I don’t either. So my 2011 New Year's Resolution is to find my word. The one word that I think describes me. It can’t be influenced by what others think either. Maybe it sounds silly, but I’m going to look for experiences that will help me find *my* word. How hard can that be?